Subject: Print Shop GS Fonts (SHK) Author: AFL Marty Uploaded By: AFL Marty Date: 4/21/1991 File: PSGS.FONTS.SHK (53690 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 91 Equipment: Apple II Needs: ShrinkIt, Print Shop GS Keywords: Print Shop GS fonts TYPE: $F5 OS: ProDOS LIBRARY: APR/Desktop Publishing Fonts/Font Collections ----------------- KEYWORDS: Print Shop GS fonts This file contains the following fonts for Print Shop GS: Alabama, Alexia, Angle, Arkansas, ASCII Bold, Balloon 1, Balloon 2. Block, Cabaret, Deco, Delaware, Frosty, Gatsby, Helv 25 B, Leroy, Lower Case, News, Old English, Ohio, Orient, Party, Platform, Reporter, Ribbon, RSVP, and Times 15 B. Unpack this file with ShrinkIt. ------------------------------------------------------------- Apple II Productivity Forum Libraries. Go Keyword: APR